Every semester, the team formulates plans and projects for the community. These plans may be difficult to achieve at first, but with the help of our mentors - our preceptor, Dr, Carmel Mathilda B. Ladeza, MD; and doctors from the Community Affairs Office led by Dr. Cicero Shean Ipanto, MD-MPH - to guide us on our way, our paths to achieving these projects would sail smoothly.
Posing with our beloved preceptor, Doc Maita.
Sumptuous lunch shared by the group
A visit from the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Samuel Cristobal, MD-MPH, MHPEd, to give us words of inspiration gave us the boost we needed to keep going despite the hardships we experienced. From the tiring exams and VOSCEs, to the anxiety of not knowing the results, to the lack of water everyday on the community, Dr. Sam's inspirational message relieved our worries and reminded us that we were in the Med School for a reason.
The Team with Dr. and Dra. Cristobal & Dra. Ladeza
Doctores Ad Dei batch photo with the Doctors.