The first thing that comes into your mind when you think about "Clean and Green" is tree-planting and/or mass cleaning, but it's more than just that. It entails getting the whole community involved into transforming their backyards into little gardens and keeping their areas clean.
The team, led by Kim Faye Quimson, introduced the municipal's Clean and Green Campaign to the interested barangay officials in an emergency meeting held last January 30, 2020. Also in attendance were the representatives from the Barangay Health Workers, Barangay Nutrition Scholars, Day Care Teachers, Barangay Tanod, and the Municipal Link from DSWD. Kim pitched in and gave them a heads-up regarding the campaign that they may work even if we, the medical students, are not around.
Initial planning was done and it was agreed that the barangay will take small steps in slowly transforming their barangay from dusty and brown to Clean and Green!